Koupil jsem druhé a zatím poslední MMS1 asi před 2 měsícema na občasné použití, pokud by bylo hodně potřeba.
Právě mi přišla email od dodavatele, která sice neříká, přímo, že na ně FDA skočila, ale z dopisu je to naprosto jasné. Toto je konec MMS 1 v USA. FDA těm PLG pěkně zkroutila ruku.
Tady je to anglicky, překládat to nebudu, ztráta času. Zajímavé je, kudy ta email šla, protože je podle udané hodiny a data z budoucnosti, což se dost často stává a málo kdo to chytá. Mám 7:57 odpoledne, takže tohle jsou tak Kanárské Ostrovy.
URGENT: MMS Product Recall Notice
11:20 PM
PGL International, LLC Add to contacts
From: PGL International, LLC (
Sent: August 16, 2010 11:20:24 PM
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URGENT: MMS Product Recall Notice
Dear Customer,
You are receiving this email because our records indicate you may have purchased a product called "MMS" from our company at some time in the past.
Following discussion with FDA officials, Project GreenLife is effecting an immediate voluntary recall of its sodium chlorite solution product labeled "MMS Professional - Miracle Mineral Solution - Premium Water Purification Drops".
Questions and answers on voluntary recall of Project GreenLife's sodium chlorite product:
Q. What products are affected by this recall?
A. Sodium chlorite solution, labeled as "MMS Professional - Miracle Mineral Solution - Premium Water Purification Drops" distributed by PGL International, LLC. This product comes in a 4 oz green plastic bottle. This recall is for all lot numbers.
Q. Why was this product recalled?
A. PGL International, LLC is initiating this voluntary recall because of safety concerns raised by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in regards to chlorine dioxide. As a precautionary measure, the company is recalling all sodium chlorite product, effective August 13, 2010.
Q. What should I do if I resell or have ever resold this product?
A. Quit selling this product and inform anyone you have sold this product to in the past by sending them a copy of this recall communication.
Q. What should I do if I have some of this product?
A. The FDA recommends that consumers stop using this product. Further distribution or use of any remaining product should cease immediately. If you have any unused product, you may seal the container and return it to the address provided below. Shipping account information will be provided upon request. PGL will work with all customers to make them whole.
If you have any questions or comments, please email
PGL International, LLC
2533 N Carson St Ste 1991
Carson City, NV 89706
TOLL FREE PHONE: 888.349.9428
Ahoj, Slávek.
A to MMS1 prodávají jako desinfektant na pitnou vodu, což se tak prodávalo dlouho před Jimem Humblem.
Je-li tvá přítomnost ve výhni okolností, vyuč se kovářem své budoucnosti.